Thanks for visiting the Shohola web site. We hope that a stroll through the pages will take you on a stroll down memory lane. We are so pleased to be carrying on the traditions started by my grandfather that you knew and grew up with. There are reunions at camp every five years. The next one will be in 2022. These reunions are a rare chance to relive camp as a kid and share your memories with so many others who have had the same experience. If you would like to be included in the next invite, please make sure we have your current contact information including email. Please also take a moment to visit the Scholarship section. The Shohola Scholarship Fund was created to give campers who may not have the means to get to camp the same wonderful childhood experiences that you remember from your days with us. We are very grateful for the continued efforts and involvement of the Shohola alumni who have so generously given of their time and their financial resources to make this possible.
Shohola alumni are also very active on Facebook. Please search for and join the Camp Shohola page and search for and join the Shohola Alumni group.