Below are articles written by kids about their cartooning training experiences at Camp Shohola
Celebrate Cartooning
Eric Shansby is now in his second year of sharing some of his completely contagious enthusiasm for cartooning in the class better known as ‘Martial Arts and Crafts’.
Sounds dangerous and it is. At the crossroads of wit and wisdom, the intersection of ink and intellect the precious young men of cartooning come together. Cartoonists at Camp Shohola work inside and outside of class to hone their hand-eye-mind coordination. They learn the conventions of comic strips, animation and political cartoons using the tools of the trade. From thought balloons to serif lettering to the elusive anatomy of the human hand, The subtle Art of Exaggeration is a wacky exercise in creativity.
Eric Shansby
Stick figures and sweet lettering
Eric Shansby’s cartooning class is really fun. I used to draw stick figures, but Eric taught me how to draw them much better. He also taught me really sweet lettering. I really enjoy the class. I can’t wait till I can take it again next year. I recommend that all campers take it.
Ben Lewis
4 weeks of fun
Cartooning is a fun class. The very qualified ‘Shansbini’ (Eric Shansby) makes this possible. At the beginning of camp Cartooning by Ben Lewis/
we all came up with goals that we wanted to accomplish in Cartooning. These goals will last us all month. We also drew a picture on the first day of class that we will compare to a picture on the last day of class. This is supposed to demonstrate our improvement during the four weeks of camp. I love cartooning and recommend it to everyone.
Matt Seskin